Just over a week ago, NASFAA held their National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. As President-Elect I was afforded the opportunity to attend the Association Management Pathway along with MASFAP’s Treasurer-Elect, Cassandra Hicks. We had two full days learning the ins and outs of leading a great organization such as MASFAP. Interactive presentations taught us many different aspects of Governance and Board Effectiveness, Developing and Implementing Your Leadership Plan and Fiscal Fitness. We also discussed volunteerism and how to run a meeting. Additionally, the presidents and treasurers split into smaller groups. Through small group I learned from leaders in Florida, Vermont, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Ohio, to name a few.
On the final day, the capstone point of our Leadership Conference was a visit to Capitol Hill. Thankfully, the MASFAP members shown below attended Senator Blunt’s morning coffee and Senator McCaskill’s office together. I was nervous, however felt a little more comfortable in a group. We learned the day before that Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan expressed support for Year Round Pell. Since Senator Blunt is an avid supporter for Year Round Pell, we were sure to thank his aid for that support. Some of the topics we discussed were discretionary spending, FAFSA simplification, and allowing financial aid administrators flexibility regarding student loans (ie: limit loans for part-time students). Most importantly, we shared our contact information and offered to be a resource for their aids should they have any questions on how federal student aid is impacting Missouri students.
Overall this was an absolutely amazing experience! Thank you MASFAP for allowing me to represent you!

Kerry Hallahan is MASFAP’s President-Elect