Thursday, December 8, 2016- 4 days until the conference
Today Sparky was wondering what to do with his wrapped gift for the charity once he gets to the conference. He found that there will be a table in the vendor area for each attendee to drop off the gifts. Also, make sure that the family # and child name are on the tag!
MASFAP has been extremely generous already – thank you! If you haven’t picked a virtual tag, there are still a few items left – they are listed below. Originally we were only going to get the first wish list item, however, with MASFAP’s generosity so far we have been able to get nearly every item on each list… just have a few more items to go! Please email [email protected] if you can grab one of the items below. Melissa will mark your name by the item and we will know that each and every family receives gifts this holiday! Thank you again!
- Gift for family #5 – Mom would like anything
- Family #6 – boy (age 16) wants headphones, cologne and body wash
- Family #6 boy (age 13) want shirts in size medium and shoes in 11 ½
- Family #6 – Mom would like anything
- Family #6 – Dad would like anything
- Family #8 – boy (age 8) wants pants and shirts (size 10-12) and shoes 3
- Family number #8 – girl (age 9) would like mermaid stuff/Harley Quinn stuff/nail kits or anything girlie
- Family number #8 – girl (age 9) would pants (size 10), shirts (XS Jr or 10-12 girls), and shoes size 2
- Family number #8 – girl (age 2) needs tops (24 months), shoes (6 toddler)
- Family #9 – boy (age 18) wants slim fit jeans 34×32 and a hoodie
- Family #9 – girl (age 17) is pregnant and needs maternity clothing and shoes size 10
- Family #9 – boy (age 15) – wants slim fit jeans size 24×32
- Family #10 – boy (age 18) wants Levis jeans 30×32, a coat and Nike SB Clutch Skate Shoe