MASFAP’s Elf on the Shelf – counting down until the conference!
Check out Sparky’s Adventures this week!
Friday, December 2, 2016– 10 days until the conference
Today Sparky started wondering what to pack for the conference. Besides his favorite ugly sweater, Sparky found out that the conference attire is “business holiday casual!” So he will not be packing his business suits, and he will be packing some festive comfortable clothing.
Thursday, December 1, 2016 – 11 days until the conference
Yum – Sparky found out that we will have hot chocolate and cookies at conference!
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 – 12 days until the conference
Sparky almost forgot to book his hotel room for MASFAP. He registered but forgot to book the room! Whew – he was able to get his room reserved – visit then click on 2016 Conference Information. You can access hotel information, the program, charity information, read about guest speakers and more!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 – 13 days until the conference
Tuesday was Giving Tuesday! Sparky wants you to know that there are still virtual gift tags available! It’s simple – email [email protected] and say you would like a virtual tag. Melissa will email you a few gift options for you to choose from. Once you choose a gift to purchase, you will then bring it wrapped with the family # and child name and bring it to the conference. Thank you for participating– let’s overwhelm these needy families with MASFAP’s generosity!