Sparky wants to encourage you to pick a “virtual gift tag” and purchase a gift for one of the families MASFAP is adopting.
Take a moment to read about the families:
- Family #1-Mom with one income, raising child on her own, no child support
- Family #2-Grandma alone raising 2 kids
- Family #3-Grandma and Grandpa on a fixed income raising grandchildren
- Family #4-Mom who is recently separated, moved to apartment with 3 children
- Family #5-Mom going through divorce, doesn’t have any money to give kids Christmas
- Family #6-Mom is disabled, father works when work is available, but for $10/hour
- Family #7-Mom has bone disease and other health issues. Always been a hard worker, with 2 jobs and raising 4 kids. Receives 25 cents per month for child support! Waiting for disability to help out.
- Family #8-Aunt and Uncle are caring for the kids, as Mom was in a horrible car accident and will be in the hospital 3-4 months and a year of rehab.
- Family #9-These two high school kids live on their own with no other support, parents have mental health issues, etc. They are expecting and just got custody of brother! They both work full-time and go to school full-time. The brother has not missed school since they got custody of him!
- Family #10-This young man is a senior in High School. Last year BOTH of his parents got cancer and BOTH parents died. He is completely supporting himself, working and going to school full-time.
To pick a virtual tag – email [email protected] – she will send you a list of items to choose from. You will bring the wrapped gift with the Family # and child’s name to the conference.
Thank you for your consideration,

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