Good afternoon MASFAP!
We will soon be ramping up our blogging again in 2016 as another form of MASFAP communication! So, in thinking about the MASFAP Blog I wanted to pose a question to all of you who have joined the blog: What do you like about the blog and/or how can we better utilize it?
The 2016 MASFAP Board meets next week and each member of the board will be asked to submit a blog certain months in 2016. I want to also make sure all MASFAP members know they can post blogs by emailing me. Since it’s ideal to just have a few administrators who can post blogs, I will be posting most of the blogs, however, anyone that has joined the blog can add a comment. I encourage MAFSAP members to use this as a resource to ask questions and communicate in an informal way to your MASFAP colleagues.
Examples of blogs:
- You have an informal question you would like to pose to the group to get feedback
- You have something on your mind – really just a short informal thought that you want to share will colleagues
- You want to start a conversation for others to post comments and have input, consider starting a blog
- You have an update like a MASFAP experience, committee update, or thoughts on a MASFAP event – consider blogging
- What are some examples you can think of to blog versus use the listserv? Please share your thoughts by adding a comment!
Thanks for reading – and consider blogging in 2016! Stay warm!
Melissa Findley
2016 Communications Committee (an Ad Hoc MASFAP committee)
kelsea on January 26, 2016 at 11:37 am said:
Thanks for the article – lots of good reasons to blog and/or follow blogs. I guess if I posted a question or started a discussion I would remember to check back here frequently.
Melissa Findley on January 26, 2016 at 4:34 pm said:
I am glad is was helpful! I am learning too – I thought if someone commented then everyone received a notification, but that is not the case. Since I am replying directly to your comment now, I think only you will receive this notification!
Melissa Findley on January 22, 2016 at 9:59 am said:
Hi Kathy! Thanks for being willing to try to blog! I think of blogging as an informal way to communicate – it allows you to get information out and allows others to post comments/feedback all in one place! From what I can tell – once I post the initial blog, then everyone can comment on the blog. I do not think everyone gets the comments emailed to their inbox like the initial blog, but anyone out there should correct me if I am wrong! But everyone can see the comments when visiting the blog after the posting.
I found this short article interesting (Top 10 Reasons People Blog):
Let your voice be heard MASFAP! Consider blogging about something on your mind!
kelsea on January 21, 2016 at 3:28 pm said:
So, I don’t “blog” but willing to learn/try. Does everyone in MASFAP see this reply or does it just go to you (Melissa) to review and post? The examples for blogs that you listed are good but I don’t understand how it works. I know, I could Google it and find out, but I’m lazy (or trying to control my “too easily sidetracked from what I should be focused on” side).