Greetings MASFAP.
I recently read some stock market volatility tips, and I realized that these same tips can also be tips for financial aid professionals.
- Stay away from media frenzy The media likes drama. Consider the sources. Be aware, but be cautious in what you absorb from media outlets. Sure there are some real issues that are detrimental; however, there is much positive that doesn’t get as much air time.
- Stay the course Be steady. Trust your experience. Confide in colleagues. Encourage one another. Pray.
- Stay focused on the long-term view Grab a Post-It note. Write the date for your next graduation ceremony on it. Think back over the past years when your favorite, challenging students began attending and how much time, sweat and tears…and Ibuprofen/Tums you have consumed. Recall the ones who made it, shook your President’s hand and took home that diploma. Write some names on that Post-It. Savor the victories. We all make a huge difference in the lives of families. Persevere. Now write at least one name of a current student that will graduate in that next ceremony, even if you have to hold their hand down the aisle. And then finally, pray they don’t come back for another degree.
May the course be with you, straight and steady. Stay. Stay. Stay.
See you in November at the Fall Conference!
GenaGena on August 27, 2015 at 8:45 am said:
Great tips, John! Savor the victories – I love it. It can be especially difficult at this time of year to remember that feeling of accomplishment we get when our students graduate. Thanks for the reminder!
kelsea on August 26, 2015 at 2:15 pm said:
Great reminders, new ideas, and encouragement – thanks!:)