MASFAP’s Elf on the Shelf – 27 days until the conference – conference charity
Do you remember two years ago when the conference charity was the Lake of the Ozarks Idiots Club? This year MASFAP will again help the students and families in the Lake of the Ozark area through our partners – The Lake of the Ozarks Idiots Club! Danna and Denny Hiner, the founders of the Idiots Club, are so excited to see you all again!
MASFAP will be adopting 10 families in the Lake of the Ozarks area. Sparky is asking MASFAP members to pick a “virtual gift tag” from the tree and buy a gift for a needy family. In addition to the gifts, one of the conference events will be a tree decorating contest. The 10 decorated trees from the contest will be donated to each of needy families we adopt. We will deliver the tree and gifts right to these family homes.
If you would like to pick a “virtual gift tag” from the tree, please email [email protected] – items include small toys and clothing items. Once you email, Melissa will send you a list of gifts for you to choose from – list is first come, first serve so email soon to choose the gift you would like to purchase for this cause. You will purchase and bring the wrapped gift to the conference.
We can help make the holidays a little brighter for these families, who have very basic needs. Thank you for your consideration.
Sparky found reading some thank you notes sent to MASFAP two years ago when MASFAP supported the Idiots Club as the charity. Sparky has attached a copy of one of the very nice thank you notes. Please consider purchasing a gift for our charity.
Click on this link to read a thank you letter from one of the kids MASFAP helped a couple years ago: thank-you-note