Hello MASFAP – have you heard of the Elf on the Shelf? Well MASFAP has its own ELF on the Shelf named Sparky. He is Merry about MASFAP! Sparky will guide you through the next month until MASFAP starts on December 12!
He will be frequently pictured on the blog getting ready for MASFAP – his goal is to help you prepare for the upcoming conference.
Today Sparky met with the Program Committee via conference call. He took some excellent notes and he noted that committee members are working hard to make MASFAP extra special this year.
Sparky’s notes from today’s program committee call:
Be on the lookout for a slightly updated conference schedule from MASFAP Program Committee.
Fun contests at MASFAP including ugly sweater, tree decorating and Family Feud.
Great sessions will be offered.
Need more people to register for the conference at www.masfap.org!!!