What the heck happened? I think September just happened… September is like no other month, I am going to venture out and say it’s the busiest month of the year. September, it sneaks up on you, you blink your eyes and it is gone.
To me, the craziness of September is not expected… August comes expectantly with the back to school craziness. November and December are also predictably hectic with the holidays and the end of the year. September seems like such an innocent month. Wrong!
So everyone thinks August is busy…The kids are finally back at school so schedules get back to normal from the summer of piecing together sitters and play dates for the kids. In August, the kids eased back into school with a few school days before Labor Day. They just have a few small assignments and some class rules to get used to. Also in August at work it is busy but predictable, scholarships are awarded and applications are rolling in. It’s back to school for college kids on your campuses – predictable lines and phone calls.
Here’s why I think September is the busiest month… So while you expect August to be busy, September sneaks in and is way more hectic… for servicers quarter-end and performance metric initiatives are in full swing, for the Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation our interest free loan is in demand (particularly for students who either aren’t eligible or whose applications aren’t complete)… And students need money now or they will be dropped or trying to find another option for an ineligible application. Not to mention at schools, some students haven’t figured out how to pay and the FISAP is due! Yes, September is way more stressful than August!
September hits you over the head…. On top of the craziness at work, September is the “real back to school” for the kids… much harder homework than August, first big exams of the semester, newsletters to read from the teachers, newsletters from the principals, meet the teacher nights, the beginning of fall sports, tryouts for winter sports, first papers due, fundraisers for everything… I could go on and on. So you finally get home from work late in the evening, and the demands of home are intense… The weekends are jammed packed of sports, band practice, and trying to catch up on some of those newsletters and forms from your kids’ teachers.
September is over tomorrow! I truly can’t believe how quickly the month went….and my daughter said to me this morning, can we go shopping for Halloween costumes this weekend?? UGH!
What do you think of September in the financial aid world?!
kelsea on September 29, 2016 at 2:18 pm said:
Yes, you explained it exactly!!! Not enough days in the month. Fall aid is not settled for everybody, we’re reviewing/reporting what was done for 2015-16, and now we’re promoting the Oct. 1 start date for 2017-18…the treadmill has sped up!!!
Crystal BruntzCrystal Bruntz on September 29, 2016 at 11:26 am said: