While we wait on candidate notification before announcing election results, I am pleased to announce each proposed change to the MASFAP Constitution has passed! Thank you for voting!
For a reminder, this is what you have approved:
1. Section 7.03 (5)
a. Currently reads: Committee on College Goal Sunday
b. Proposed Change: Strike from Constitution
c. Reasoning: The Early Awareness Committee is responsible for providing outreach and assistance with the FAFSA Frenzy program. The College Goal Sunday committee, as a separate standing committee, is no longer necessary.
2. Section 7.03 (17)
a. Currently reads: Committee on Technology and Communications
b. Proposed change: (17) Committee on Technology; (19) Committee on Communications; Section 7.22 Committee on Communications. The Committee shall provide regular communication to the general membership.
c. Reasoning: The association has placed an increased importance on communicating with membership while the technological demands of our electronic society has continued to grow. Establishing a standing committee focused on communications will allow the association to dedicate time and resources to both endeavors more equitably.
3. Section 7.07
a. Currently reads: Committee on Budget and Finance – The Committee shall be responsible for all financial matters for the association (i.e. tax returns, budgets, future fiscal planning, etc.). Members shall include the immediate past-treasurer as chair, treasurer- elect, treasurer, an institutional member and an associate member.
b. Proposed change: Committee on Budget and Finance – The Committee shall be responsible for all financial matters for the association (i.e. tax returns, budgets, future fiscal planning, etc.). Members shall include the immediate past-treasurer as chair, treasurer- elect, treasurer, president, president-elect, site committee chair, and corporate support chair.
c. Reasoning: The site committee chair is responsible for signing contracts and making purchases related to our two largest budget line items – the annual conference and professional development events. Involvement on the Budget and Finance Committee will allow for transparency in this process. President and President-elect are both responsible for overall budget management.
4. Section 7.18
a. Currently reads: Committee on Site – The Committee shall make site arrangements for all conferences and Executive Board meetings.
b. Proposed Change: The Committee shall make site arrangements for all conferences and Executive Board meetings. The chair shall also serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee.
c. Reasoning: If proposal to amend Section 7.07 passes, this will allow for a more complete committee chair position description.
5. Section 7.20 Committee on Newcomer/Welcome
a. Currently reads: Need narrative
b. Proposed change: The committee shall welcome new members to the association, providing orientation and conveying the importance of serving on MASFAP committees and holding leadership positions.
c. Reasoning: Currently there is no committee description. This description comes from the Policies and Procedures manual, which the Executive Board had previously approved.
6. Section 7.21
a. Currently reads: Committee on College Goal Sunday: The committee shall plan and execute the College Goal Sunday event.
b. Proposed Change: Strike from Constitution
c. Reasoning: The Early Awareness Committee is responsible for providing outreach and assistance with the FAFSA Frenzy program. The College Goal Sunday committee, as a separate standing committee, is no longer necessary.
7. Section 9.01
a. Currently reads: Nominations shall be slated by the Nominations Committee. Nominations shall also be accepted from the floor.
b. Proposed Change: Nominations shall be slated by the Nominations Committee. Nominations shall also be accepted from the general membership.
c. Reasoning: Elections are primarily held via electronic voting outside of the business meeting of the association. Changing this wording from “floor” to “general membership” will allow nominations to be received electronically and at a business meeting, if necessary.
8. Section 9.04
a. Currently reads: Nominations from the Floor – Nominations for candidates may be submitted, with the consent of the nominee, by a motion from the floor at the time of any Association election, provided the nominator and the seconding representative are both designated representatives of voting members of the Association.
b. Proposed Change: Nominations from the General Membership – Nominations for candidates may be submitted, with the consent of the nominee, by members of the general membership either through a motion during business meeting or during an electronic call for nominations, provided the nominator (and seconding representative if conducted during a business meeting) are both members of the Association.
c. Reasoning: Elections are primarily held via electronic voting outside of the business meeting of the association. This wording change accounts for nominations from either venue (electronic or business meeting) and allows for nominations to come from all members instead of narrowing nominations coming from primary voting members or their designee.
Gena Boling is the Past President of MASFAP and the Chair of the Nominations and Elections