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Going After Bigger Goals By Jamie Davis

 The last time I blogged, I was getting ready to compete in the Show Me State powerlifting competition. The week before I was slated to compete, I pulled a forearm muscle. When I was training, I didn’t really know what I was doing and just going off of what I would read from the internet. I learned one very valuable lesson….not to lift a week before the competition, as in nothing. This seems completely backwards to me, but as I usually learn the hard way, it’s a great way to pull a muscle or injure yourself during the competition if you don’t take a break. So, all last fall, I worked on healing my muscles and seeking out a weight lifting team that I could work with.

For the past several months I have been going to the gym and pushed myself to work out harder and lift heavier than I ever have before. Three days a week I am in a boot camp class at 5 am where we flip tires, sprint up hills and have done too many mountain climbers and burpees to count, among other various feats.  I know now that when push comes to shove, sure I can do 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 push-ups and even 100 assisted pull-ups in 45 minutes. The other two to three days is when I lift with my new team.

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Making Connections at the MOACAC Conference By Alex Miller

A few weeks ago, Kayla Klein and I had the opportunity to head to the lake to present to high school counselors and admission representatives about Special Populations and spreading the word about the ins and outs of the MASFAP Money Challenge- High School Edition.  We had a great day presenting and networking with the MOACAC attendees at Tan-Tar-A Lake Resort.

In our first presentation titled Advising Special Populations, we had a good mix of both high school counselors and admissions reps from throughout the state of Missouri. I feel strongly that this is an important topic for high school counselors to be aware of and familiar with as they advise students. These special populations usually have to jump through hoops to obtain a high school diploma. When these students must share their story again and again, it can be difficult on them. Since these students already trust their high school counselors who know their stories and family,  these students feel so much more comfortable with the high school counselor rather than their brand new financial aid counselor that they have never met in person before. For me to be able to have the opportunity to connect with the counselors and help them advise their students regarding this topic was priceless. It was such a great feeling to be able to speak freely with this group and collaborate on helping students succeed – just awesome!

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MASFAP Throwback Thursday!

Today is Thursday, which means it’s MASFAP’s Throwback Thursday! With the 50thAnniversary of MASFAP this year, we are Celebrating Our Past all year. Check out this picture taken at MASFAP’s 25th Anniversary celebration. Can you name some of the amazing MASFAP people in this photo? Make a comment to this blog and name as many people as you can… the person who is able to name the most people in the picture wins a prize…

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