PD event today - State Update

Hello MASFAP - the MASFAP Board is meeting today in Columbia. MASFAP is still looking for committee volunteers - follow these instructions:
1) Log into your MASFAP profile
Check out these familiar, smiling faces on a flight headed to the FSA Conference in Reno.
MASFAP’s 2019 Leadership Development Program (LDP) participants have been learning about advocacy and went to Washington, D.C. October 20-22, to meet with congressional leaders, NASFAA and the Department of Education. The 2019 LDP members are Kimberly Meeker (North Central Missouri College), Stephanie Broyles (Rolla Technical Center), Ashley Nickell (Logan Chiropractic) and Julie Loftin (Drury University). Also joining the advocacy trip and serving as mentors were Samantha Matchefts, Dena Norris, Tony Lubbers, Keely Haynes, Will Shaffner and Amy Hager.
MASFAP is hosting nine high school counselor workshops on financial aid advising across Missouri. This week MASFAP hosted workshops in Kirksville at Truman State University and Cape Girardeau at Southeast Missouri State University. THANKS so much to all of the awesome volunteers in helping present and make these workshops successful.
Next week, MASFAP will host workshops in Joplin at Missouri Southern State university, West Plains at Missouri State University-West Plains and St. Joseph at Missouri Western State University. Again thank you MASFAP for volunteering!
Take a look at this awesome MASFAP crew representing at MDHE's Journey to College Day this week.