Happy New Year! As 2017 sets in, if you haven’t made your New Year’s resolution (or if you already broke some!) – how about you consider getting more involved with MASFAP? There are lots of ways to advocate for students, meet new people, step out of your shell and network in your field.
One way you can help MASFAP kick off 2017 is with our Hill Day in Jefferson City on February 14. This event goes throughout the day – (it is entirely up to your schedule how you would like to volunteer your time, of course) – and involves presentations to different committee members, meetings with key legislative staff, and getting the word out to legislators about what MASFAP is and what our members do!
To those that volunteered in prior years, we would be honored to have you back again. To those who have yet to volunteer, this is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and learn new things. Donating your time is a great way to make sure that every second of 2017 counts.
Begin fulfilling your resolution today – save the date to join us February 14, 2017. Every volunteer matters – make a difference for your students! More sign up information will be coming soon.
Add this event to your calendar: MASFAP Hill Day
Will Shaffner is MASFAP’s Legislative Chair